Resume Writing Advice

“Action Words”: The Hidden Key to Resume Success

Sending out resumes for potential jobs can certainly be a daunting task, especially when applying to multiple positions a day. While many professionals recommend designing a different resume for each position, doing so can be an arduous task, particularly when you’ve been job hunting extensively. There are many hurdles that a resume faces before even making it to the desk of a hiring manager, key among them the digital algorithms set in place for online application sites. Out of the hundreds of applications an individual sends in, it’s likely the majority are sorted out before they are seen by a human being. How do we deal with this issue of being sorted out by a digital program?

The answer lies in what are known as “Action Words”, or key terms more likely to be noticed by both digital and human means alike. This phrase in particular refers to verbs that will better highlight your skills and responsibilities in a more professional manner. These are also terms likely keyed into the digital programs employers use to narrow down potential interview candidates. Using action words in place of phrases such as “responsible for…” or “Led a group of…” can make a monumental difference in getting past the initial hurdles of the application process. Check out this page for a list of appropriate action words you can use to spice up your resume:

Additionally, take the time to thoroughly read through the job description of the position you are applying for. Often employers will use very specific language with regards to the skills and experience they are looking for and will be searching for candidates that closely mirror the skills. Before sending in your resume, swap out appropriate phrases and words within your resume to match those used in the job description. Doing so will increase your chances of getting past any digital programs in place and will demonstrate you have thoroughly read up on the position prior to applying. Try these suggestions the next time you put in an application, and you may find yourself getting more calls back!

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